and in SID land we meet the incoming seasons with some trepidation!
Changing seasons have a funny effect on our little SID folk, particularly summer to autumn and winter to spring. It’s not just the change in temperature, we also have the clocks to contend with.
So what happens? Bear in mind that SID kids’ brains are out of sync, their brains don’t always interpret the messages the way they should.
Example: In winter you’ll probably see ‘B’ insisting on wearing flip-flops, shorts, short sleeves and insisting that it’s too hot for a coat. If you feel her hands, she’s actually warm and toasty! In the spring she’ll put on her winter coat, button it up to the top, get out her boots and gloves and insist she’s freezing cold.
OK, so it does conjure up an amusing picture but it’s really not that funny. Their internal thermostats are running amok, their external bodies can sense a change in temperature and humidity but the brain is insisting the opposite.
Clock changes in our house take about a month to adjust to, her body clock refuses to get into sync (and why should it, they are after all known as the out of sync children LOL), so we have ‘B’ not only dressing inappropriately, but wanting to do so at the time her internal clock tells her to.
This year is different for us in that ‘B’ is now home-schooled. This at least means that when her body refuses to wake up she can at least let it sleep. In theory this should help as she will be able to follow her own rhythm instead of the clocks! That’s the theory anyway, we’ll let you know what happens in reality.
Till next time
‘B’s Mum
Our Christmas Letter
9 years ago
Oh, I can so relate. I hate the changing of the clocks for that very reason. I don't mind so much when we gain and hour. It doesn't bother me if Danny wakes up extra early for a couple of weeks, but when we lose the time and he is late every day it is so stressful. And the weather is even more difficult because it seems to be constantly changing here for us. It can go from 40 to 70 degrees in just one week. Sigh. That'e enough to confuse anyone.